
Sunday Scribblings--Songs Hidden in Eggs

Went for breakfast this morning and then toured East Galesburg’s Purington Brickyards. Eventually, we wound up at the birthplace of Carl Sandburg. For those of you not in the know, Carl Sandburg was born here in Galesburg. And though I’ve long considered this fact a little inspiring (I was born twelve miles from here, in Monmouth, the same place where Wyatt Earp was allegedly born) I had never before this morning been to the State Historic Site that is Mr. Sandburg’s birthplace.

J.C. purchased some books and this facsimilie of a portion of Sandburg's "Prairie":

Sorry for the poor quality; the scanner wasn't working, and I had to photrgraph the thing.

Here's a translation:

Look at six eggs
in a mockingbird's nest.

Listen to six mockingbirds
Flinging follies of O-be-joyful
Over the marshes and uplands.

Look at songs
hidden in eggs.

The theme of today’s Sunday Scribblings is My 2 Cents, though. So, to make this post more appropriate to its theme: We should all of us, each and every one, be looking at songs hidden in eggs.


TMTW said...

What a refreshing way of looking at it... and very true.

writingblind said...

Chad, you are so a poet, no matter how much you deny it. Or maybe a prophet, one of those, definitely.

wendy said...

I like they always have eggs in movies dealing with the devil. as a metaphor for life and soulfulness...which came first..the chicken or the egg..god or us...

the songs of faith, and the songs of sin, and loss of soul...

You can see I liked your post.
You keep lookin....me too.

Alex S said...

I love Carl Sandburg too! Rootabaga Stories are some of my very favorite stories of all time!

roger flyer said...

check www.rogerflyer.com