
Duck & Herring

Received word in an e-mail yesterday that the Duck and Herring Co. Warm Weather Pocket Field Guide, which contains my essay "The Perseids," is out now.

You can find an old one-sentence teaser here.

And here's a new, three-sentence teaser:

"We both talked a lot about being writers then but didn’t ever spend much time actually writing, and we were silent as we drank beer and watched the computer screen. I can’t say what Jane was thinking about, but I was thinking about how I could use the experience we were going to have in the morning. I was thinking about a drunken but lovable husband whose wife is going to leave him. "

Why don't you pick up a copy?


Donna said...

Hey--very cool! I think I *will* pick up a copy!

Chad Simpson said...


You won't believe this: I teach a memoir in my Intro to Lit class, so as an introduction to the genre, I teach a handful of essays so that we can talk about the differences between the fiction we've been reading and non-fiction.

This term, I have a TA, and she's pretty experienced with non-fiction, so I decided to do two days of an introduction to the genre, with her teaching the second day.

I asked her to put together a packet of essays, and the third essay in the bunch was Annie Dillard's "Total Eclipse," the essay that inspired "The Perseids."

After reading it again, I realized I'd forgotton how frickin' good Dillard's essay is; I probably shouldn't mention that it inspired my little piece.

P.S. If you don't order a copy of Duck & Herring Co., let me know via email, and I'll be sure to send you a copy snail mail!