
Uh-Oh: More Good News

I suppose this post's title is backwards.

First, the good news: I recently got word that a story of mine has been accepted for publication at The Rambler. So, you know, I'm pretty stoked and all that. It's a long story, too, clocking in at about 6300 words.

I got the email just before I went off to teach Intro to Lit on Friday, and while I didn't bother my students with the details, before class started, I mentioned that I'd received another good piece of "writing news." I then realized that it was my third really decent piece of "writing news" in about seven weeks.

And when has that ever happened to me? I don't think it ever has.

So, it's something to be happy, even grateful for, without a doubt, as far as writing business is concerned.

The "problem" is this: I'm almost out of finished stories.

I have four short pieces from that chapbook I put together that are floating around at a few places, and one "regular" story that I just started sending out, but other than that, I'm tapped. Which has me feeling, well, not upset or anything, but certainly awkward. I know this is hardly a thing to "complain" about, as I honestly feel lucky, even blessed (though I'm not a big fan of that word, especially when referring to a somewhat self-indulgent situation like the one I'm describing), whenever anyone responds positively to something I've written. It's just that I've been so used to sending out handfuls of stories at the same time, I'm not quite sure what to do.

I have lots of starts, though, and lots of scenes, and plenty of stories I've been quite literally itching to get to. Plus, there's the YA novel I'm going to tackle in earnest again come June.

I'm kind of looking forward to this metaphorical blank slate I have in front of me. Well, it's not wholly blank, in that I'm still technically putting together a collection of stories, but it's blank in that I don't have to worry at all for a while about the rest of them, the ones that are waiting to come out in magazines. And it's been a while--at least since my second or so semester of grad school--since I've had this kind of freedom.

Maybe I don't need that 'uh-oh' in the post's title after all.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chad, that's a pretty gratifying situation to find yourself in. Here's to continued good news. Only good news. No bad news ever again. Ever.

Avery said...

I'm not surprised at all this good news you've been getting. After all, your stories are pretty damn good, so, you know, people are bound to notice this eventually ...

Seems like "eventually" is now!

Congratulations, Chad. Hey, I hope you'll keep us in mind the next time you finish that next story. Seriously.

Chad Simpson said...

You're funny, Cyn. But I'm with you: No bad news. Ever. That goes for you, too.

And thanks, Steph. I'll definitely keep you guys in mind. That first issue is fantastic. And so, so pretty.