

"Please Contact" by Scott Garson, at Juked.

"Prow" by Claudia Smith, from the new issue of SmokeLong Quarterly.

"Okeechobee" by Claudia Zuluaga at Narrative Magazine. You have to sign up for an account if you don't have one already, but it's free and worth it--there's always lots of stuff worth reading over there.

"Straightedge" by Matthew Vollmer at Salt Hill Journal, from Issue 18.


Anonymous said...

Good recs. I really liked Garson's Juked and ended up buying issues of QuickFiction to read more.

I read Zuluaga's story on here a while back and then saw another in Lost Magazine. It was a couple of issues back (on lostmag.com) in the archive, but it was better than this one.

Chad Simpson said...

Lost Magazine has had some good stories in the past, but I haven't checked it out for a couple issues.

Thanks for stopping by and letting me know about the Zuluaga story.