
Poetry Thursday--Paul Guest

I do write poetry on occasion, but I want to use the opportunity that is Poetry Thursday to recommend poets I love.

Up first is Paul Guest. Full disclosure: Paul received his M.F.A. from the same school I attended, but we were there at different times. I did meet him once when he came to read, and another time at AWP. But I’m not giving him props here because he’s a good and decent human being. I’m putting his name out there because he’s a great poet.

He has a blog which is riveting this week. Well, there’s a little mystery going on, anyway: his second book has been accepted for publication but he can’t yet say who’s going to publish it. An announcement is rumored to come by Friday. Also, he has a cool poem up today. Go check it out.

And when you’re done, you can find a few more poems by Paul here:

As the featured guest at The Adirondack Review

At Verse Daily

Donald Duck’s Lament

That’ll get you started. Once you've finished those, just Google the guy; he’s everywhere and always worth reading.

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